
Hill view endeavours to expand the knowledge of teaching and learning process across a broad educational spectrum, encouraging the students to step into the global platform. We bear in mind different ways to prepare our teachers to find solutions to complex problems of teaching and learning. An excellent set of qualified, competent and dedicated teachers, whose talent is constantly upgraded with refresher courses and motivation classes, is our asset.

Tranquil campus gifted with easy accessibility from all parts of the district.

Our planned information and communication Technology (ICT) facilities are excellent: an ICT suite, interactive whiteboard and high speech Broadband connection for internet access. We also have a full-time technical back up to support the children’s work and ensure the smooth running of the school network. Child is no longer an empty slate but a ‘fund of knowledge’, ‘Learn by doing’, is the essence of a constructivist class room. The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask, but how many questions he inspires them to ask him.

“ No Knowledge develops in an isolated class room. Knowledge is not the monopoly of an individual, but the collective asset of the society”. Social constructivism through constant interaction is promoted. The essence of constructivism is implemented through the process oriented activities.

Mission and Vision

    Education is the panacea for the development of one’s cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Education transforms a person into socially committed and economically viable.

    ‘Hill view’ is a haven for quality education. We strive for molding professionally competent and emotionally motivated citizens with high moral values.

    The fact that learning has become a source of burden and stress on children and their parents is an evidence of a deep distortion in educational aims and quality. To correct this distortion we have guiding principles in curriculum.

  • Connecting knowledge to life outside the school.
  • Ensuring that learning shifts away from rote method.
  • Shift from static text to dynamic text.
  • Making evaluation more flexible with continuous and comprehensive type.
  • Nurturing democratic and secular values in every child.
  • Providing quality education to all.
  • Overall development of an individual to prepare him for life.
  • To develop human potential to meet the Global Challenges.
  • Moral awareness through regular moral classes.
  • To give room for self evaluation and corrective steps.
  • To inculcate a sense of co-operation instead of competition among the peers.